The best teams are made up of the best players. And at Midco Sports, we have a stellar lineup working hard to bring you the coverage of the NSIC and Summit League men’s and women’s conference tournaments. Meet a few of our key team members behind the scenes.

John Brendle
Job: Production Technology Manager
First tournament with Midco Sports: 2020
Your Tourney HQ role: My role covers the technology used to showcase the entire event. It’s a lot of coordinating with the venue, our teams and outside partners to make things seamless to our viewing audience.
Favorite thing about Tourney HQ: Midco Sports is non-stop most of the season, and Tourney HQ offers us an opportunity to do things on a bigger scale. It’s an entire team effort. The environment is exciting with more fans and non-stop basketball games!

Brad Newitt
Job: On-Air Talent
First tournament with Midco Sports: 2011
Best thing about the post season: Nothing is better than post-season tournament college basketball in all of sports. Every team knows that if they don't win, then their season – or sometimes their career – is over. The pressure and drama is unparalleled.
Most surprising things about tournament coverage: For a two-hour basketball telecast, I will spend four to six hours preparing for the game. And while the viewer sees and hears only a couple of people on the air, there are dozens of dedicated people behind the cameras that make the broadcast work.

Josh Brooks
Job: Production Assistant
First tournament with Midco Sports: 2019
Favorite thing about Tourney HQ: I really enjoy what I do for Midco Sports, which is working on the score bug during the tournament. But, nothing beats the crowd or atmosphere when the SDSU men’s and women’s teams hit the court. Those are my favorite games to cover.

LeAnn Erickson
Job: Programming Coordinator
Your Tourney HQ role: Tourney HQ is like a 1,000-piece puzzle. If you get one piece out of place, it doesn’t go together the way it should. My role is to make sure our Tourney HQ pieces – like game times, team matchups, app information and more – are put together correctly. Planning for this begins months before the tournament, and our work continues beyond that final buzzer of the championship game. Attention to detail is a must!
Most surprising things about tournament coverage: Cameras, production trucks, and the folks that make the magic happen, are maybe the most important parts of getting these games on the air. The number of extremely talented people it takes to do TV sports well is amazing!

Josh Munce
Job: Senior Videographer/Producer
Most memorable Tourney HQ moment: There are too many memories from Tourney HQ to mention. Overall, it is getting to spend time with co-workers. Getting amazing shots of athletes making incredible plays. Overcoming TV obstacles to bring an amazing product to our viewers without them knowing all the work that may be happening behind the scenes.
Favorite thing about Tourney HQ: It’s the culmination of all the work our staff put in during the season, seeing the athletes from our schools reach for championships and being a part of bringing that excitement to our viewers. There isn’t anything like being part of a team that is putting in the blood, sweat and effort for one shared goal. During tournament time, there is no role that is small. It’s pretty much all-hands-on-deck.

Joey Beltrame
Job: Videographer/Producer
Your Tourney HQ role: Over the past three years, I’ve done roles ranging from camera operator to replay operator to directing.
Favorite thing about Tourney HQ: I ask the school’s sports information directors who the moms of the players are. I love to show them on camera when their sons or daughters are having awesome games.
Filed Under
Summit League
Tourney HQ