
SDSU Men’s Basketball: Hendo & Young Jackrabbits Making Progress

The South Dakota State men’s basketball team is almost through their pre-conference schedule and first-year head coach Eric Henderson is molding his young squad into what he hopes will be a Summit League contender by the time the Jacks get into late February and March.

Hendo hits on all aspects of the team in this podcast. The energy and excitement level remains high thanks to the head coach and his personality and the fact that his young players are buying into the process.

The Jacks are healthy and have remained relatively injury-free to this point in the season and that has been a plus in the quest for cohesion on the court.

Henderson says his guys have been in a position to win in nearly every game so far this season including the road games at Arizona and USC and Indiana as well as two closes losses in the last week at Montana State and Colorado State.

The Jacks host two more mid-major teams before the Christmas break with Florida Gulf Coast and Idaho coming to Frost Arena and they represent two good challenges but two teams the Jacks “should” be able to conquer.

Finally, Henderson gives an update on several players and their progress so far this season including Douglas Wilson, Matt Dentlinger, Brandon Key, Noah Freidel and David Wingett.

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