
Win/Win/Win Scenario for UND and MIdcoSN

If you’re a fan of the NBC television series The Office – and I’m talking about the Steve Carell/John Krasinski American version, not the equally-good-but-much-more-snarky Ricky Gervais/Martin Freeman British original – you’ll recall an episode early in Season Two in which Carell’s Michael Scott character reveals five methods of conflict resolution.

After being encouraged to get to the point after illuminating in painful detail what a “Lose/Lose” resolution looks like, Scott explains the ultimate style of resolution is not just “Win/Win” but “Win/Win/WIN”, where both parties AND the mediator come away feeling great.

Scott explains, “The important difference here is with ‘Win/Win/WIN’, we all win, including me. I win for having successfully mediated a conflict at work.” 

Vintage Michael Scott, right?

Even though it’s not quite the same scenario – no conflict resolution needed here – the concept of “Win/Win/WIN” nicely sums up how I feel about the broadcasting rights extension between Midco Sports Network and University of North Dakota Athletics.

By locking up the rights to broadcast UND sports through 2022, MidcoSN and the network’s viewers win in a big way. The level of excellence on the ice, the field and the court that North Dakota’s teams put forth is as high as any in the country, just like the passion their fans display. It really is a privilege to have UND games and original programming on our station.

Also in the winner’s circle? UND Athletics.

Midco Sports Network has proven over the last four years to be the best in the region when it comes to sports broadcasting – something we take immense pride in – and it’s a great thing for UND and their fans to have their teams showcased in the quality and volume MidcoSN offers, from almost every live game you could want to soon-to-be three original shows dedicated to the university. (Just wait until 2017-18, gang.)

Finally, the last winner in this “Win/Win/WIN” scenario?

Selfishly, it’s me.

Even though I’m just beginning my time covering UND Athletics, I’ve already gotten a firm grasp on just how special this university is and how blessed I am to get to do what I love to do here.

When I signed on to join MidcoSN’s coverage of UND this past June, I did so knowing that the network was heading into the final year of its original five-year rights deal with the university.

On one hand, I had some trepidation about moving to a new city to take a position that might not exist in a year. But on the other hand, when I thought about the prospect of broadcasting games and hosting shows at this school – even it ended up being for only one year – the decision to come to Grand Forks wasn’t that difficult.

Knowing now that I’ll get the opportunity to continue working alongside our incredibly talented MidcoSN staff and with the high-quality coaches, athletes and administrators at the University of North Dakota is a major, major victory in my book.

Win. Win. WIN.

(…That’s what I said.)

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