
Breaking Ties

This past weekend left 57,000 football fans in Cincinnati feeling like they lost...even though they had not. But they didn't win either. The Bengals and Panthers battled for 75 minutes on Sunday only to see the game end in a 37-37 tie thanks to a missed field goal by Cincinnati as the clock hit zeros. Immediately following players on both sidelines were confused and one player pulled a Donovan McNabb afterwards claiming he didn't realize NFL games could end in a tie.

It's time for the NFL to break away from ties. Not because some players and fans aren't aware of it, but because it's like having an NFL today that still doesn't allow the forward pass. It's old and it's outdated. Even the NHL, which prides itself on tradition, has moved past the days of leaving the arena without a victor.

The route to make this change is even very simple: Leave the overtime format the same (with each team gaining a possession unless a touchdown is scored) and just simply do away with the 15 minute game clock. All you need is the 40 second play clock - play until there is a clear winner. Players deserve it, fans deserve it, and the 'forward' thinking NFL should have already figured this one out by now.