
Missoula Man

You don’t have to be on the ground long to realize that Joe Glenn will always be a Missoula Man.

That’s not suggesting that he’s committed to anything other than the University of South Dakota football program, but it’s clear - from the town’s perspective –
he will always be a Grizzly.

The evidence is everywhere.

Take, for example, the Coyotes’ team hotel, where I encountered several framed photographs of Glenn hanging on the wall between the lobby and my room. 

Obviously, there are a lot of positive memories from the Joe Glenn era for the folks that support the University of Montana. Glenn, after all, did go 39-6 (.867) in his three seasons (2000-02), leading the Griz to the playoffs each year and an NCAA Championship in 2001.

But this is, obviously, about more than football. Those of us who have worked with him since he returned to South Dakota have quickly learned what the people here already knew. Glenn is as personable as anyone you’ll ever meet; the kind of guy that leaves a lasting impression.

If you need proof, stop by the Holiday Inn in downtown Missoula.